We welcome new members both masters and junior swimmers that have reached a basic level of swimming technique and stamina (e.g. level 8/9 swimming lessons)
We welcome new members both masters and junior swimmers that have reached a basic level of swimming technique and level of stamina (e.g. level 8/9 Swim England or equivalent).
Membership now available online
Membership runs from January to December; the renewals fee for existing members is £36:20 and £41.20 for new members (new members will receive a swim hat on joining). The membership fee includes Swim England Category 1, i.e. non-competitive swimmers. The club currently doesn't take part in any events that require Category 2 membership. However swimmers may compete individually in Open events (e.g. County Championships) that do require Cat 2 membership. Please say when applying if this is likely to be the case.
The Swan Pool charges each swimmer an entry fee of £3.25 (Subject to increase) for each club session. Currently this has to be paid on entry at reception. Membership of MORE THAN does not include this fee.
In future, sessions may be able to be booked online
We welcome new members both masters and junior swimmers that have reached a basic level of swimming technique and level of stamina (e.g. level 8/9 Swim England or equivalent).
Membership now available online
Membership runs from January to December; the renewals fee for existing members is £36:20 and £41.20 for new members (new members will receive a swim hat on joining). The membership fee includes Swim England Category 1, i.e. non-competitive swimmers. The club currently doesn't take part in any events that require Category 2 membership. However swimmers may compete individually in Open events (e.g. County Championships) that do require Cat 2 membership. Please say when applying if this is likely to be the case.
The Swan Pool charges each swimmer an entry fee of £3.25 (Subject to increase) for each club session. Currently this has to be paid on entry at reception. Membership of MORE THAN does not include this fee.
In future, sessions may be able to be booked online
If you are interested in joining the club and would like a trial membership please contact our membership secretary, Ben Chappel
Members' Code of Conduct
Parents Code of Conduct
Coaches and Teachers of Code of Conduct
Committee and Helpers Code of Conduct
Masters Swimming
We welcome new Masters swimmers into the Club though due to large demand and a limit on spaces we have to ask that they commit to supporting committee roles or events for the Club. We receive many enquiries from Masters swimmers in the area, whilst the club will do its best it is not always possible to accommodate demand for all new Master’s enquiries. As well as being asked to help support the club, the criteria we apply are provided below:
1. Masters swimming is available to people in our local community
2. We will always give first priority to parents of BSSC swimmers who wish to return to swimming
3. A good first stroke is required with confidence in at least one other.
4. The sessions are generally around 2000 metres (80 lengths) and will be a mix of technique and interval training.
If you are interested in joining then please contact our Chair using the email address provided.
Swim England Membership details
Category 1 - shall include all members of any age who are learning to swim or who are swimmers at any level, who do
not compete in any discipline in open competition, other than those exempted under Law 312.1.2 and those
competitions designated as "Low Level Competition".
Category 2 - shall include all members of any age who compete in any discipline in open competitions.
Category 3 - shall include all members of any age who are not in categories one or two including, but not being limited to,
any persons who have voting rights in their club by virtue of being a parent of a member in categories one or
two; administrators; associate members; coaches; helpers; honorary members; life members; officers; etc.
Members' Code of Conduct
Parents Code of Conduct
Coaches and Teachers of Code of Conduct
Committee and Helpers Code of Conduct
Masters Swimming
We welcome new Masters swimmers into the Club though due to large demand and a limit on spaces we have to ask that they commit to supporting committee roles or events for the Club. We receive many enquiries from Masters swimmers in the area, whilst the club will do its best it is not always possible to accommodate demand for all new Master’s enquiries. As well as being asked to help support the club, the criteria we apply are provided below:
1. Masters swimming is available to people in our local community
2. We will always give first priority to parents of BSSC swimmers who wish to return to swimming
3. A good first stroke is required with confidence in at least one other.
4. The sessions are generally around 2000 metres (80 lengths) and will be a mix of technique and interval training.
If you are interested in joining then please contact our Chair using the email address provided.
Swim England Membership details
Category 1 - shall include all members of any age who are learning to swim or who are swimmers at any level, who do
not compete in any discipline in open competition, other than those exempted under Law 312.1.2 and those
competitions designated as "Low Level Competition".
Category 2 - shall include all members of any age who compete in any discipline in open competitions.
Category 3 - shall include all members of any age who are not in categories one or two including, but not being limited to,
any persons who have voting rights in their club by virtue of being a parent of a member in categories one or
two; administrators; associate members; coaches; helpers; honorary members; life members; officers; etc.